Welcome! I'm a member of the Computer Science Institute of Charles University in Prague, Czechia.
I like designing efficient algorithms and data structures
for various problems, such as streaming quantile estimation,
dynamic geometric streams, online scheduling, k-mer sets, etc.
Research group:
Alumni: bachelor students Katya Milyutina (defense 2023) and Petra Kaštánková (defense 2016)
Short bio:
From September 2018 to April 2021, I was happy to be a postdoc of Graham Cormode at
the Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick.
From 2014-2018, I was a PhD student at Charles University, fortunate to be advised by Jiří Sgall.
CV (PDF)» TL;DR: Short CV (PDF)»
(last update in March 2024)
Me and and my favorite sketch: the
KLL sketch for quantile estimation.
Photo by Hynek Glos, Charles Uni.
Research interests: I am interested in theoretical computer science and combinatorics,
with particular focus on designing efficient algorithms and data structures,
Teaching / Výuka
Come to our research seminar
LS 23/24 (summer semester 23/24):
Teaching in Czech / výuka v češtině v LS 23/24:
ZS 23/24 (winter semester 23/24, in Czech only):
Teaching in previous years / Výuka v předchozích letech