Center for Foundations of Modern Computer Science

Centrum Základů Moderní Informatiky

Center for Foundation of of Modern Computer Science is a research center funded for the period 2018-2023 by Charles University in program UNCE whose goal is to support young scientists. The prinipal investigator of the center is Jiří Sgall. The center is hosted by the following departments:


The fourth workshop of the Center for Foundations of Modern Computer Science will take place on Monday and Tuesday December 9 and 10, 2019, at Šámalova chata at Nová Louka in Jizerské hory. It is a part of HOMONOLO 2019.

Past workshops

The third workshop of the Center for Foundations of Modern Computer Science took place on Monday June 10, 2019, in Prague. It is a part of STTI 2019.

The second workshop of the Center for Foundations of Modern Computer Science took place on Monday December 10, 2018, at Šámalova chata at Nová Louka in Jizerské hory. It is a part of HOMONOLO 2018.

The first workshop of the Center for Foundations of Modern Computer Science took place on Tuesday July 21, 2018, in the Mala Strana building. It was a part of the Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop XXIII.

The team of the center

Senior researchers

Junior researchers

Postdoc researchers

  • Issac Davis (2019)
  • Ashutosh Rai (2019-2020)

Postdoc position

FORMER: Postdoc position for academic year 2018/19, application deadline is March 31. See the announcement.

Goals of the project

The center aims to conduct high-quality research focused on new challenging topics in foundations of computer science. The main topics include new directions such as 3D-geometry of complex objects, cryptography motivated by increasing lack of trust and security in computer networks, optimization and algorithmic questions driven by big data and complex networks, algorithmic game theory in connection with artificial intelligence. In interaction with classical areas such as computational complexity, graph theory, and probability, and based on worldwide trends we will identify and initiate additional new lines of research.

We aim to form an active group of excellent young researchers with rich international experience, contacts and cooperation with leading research institutions and universities worldwide. This will bring a new momentum into Czech computer science, help to educate a new generation of researchers and teachers, and maintain the strong international influence of Charles University in the field of computer science.