Seminář z aproximačních a online algoritmů
Seminar on Approximation and Online Algorithms

Andreas Emil Feldmann, Petr Kolman, Jiří Sgall

Od akademického roku 2020/21 se seminář slučuje a pokračuje jako Seminář z teoretické informatiky - NTIN102 - společně s prof. Michalem Kouckým a dalšími kolegy, začíná 13. 10.

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Nejbližší program semináře [Next program]

Další články pro LS 2020 [More papers proposed for the last semester]

Ken-Ichi Kawarabayashi, Bingkai Lin: A nearly 5/3-approximation FPT Algorithm for Min-k-Cut. SODA 2020, pp. 990-999.

Mitali Bafna, Chi-Ning, Chou Zhao Song: An Exposition of Dinur-Khot-Kindler-Minzer-Safra's Proof for the 2-to-2 Games Conjecture.

Sami Davies, Thomas Rothvoss, and Yihao Zhang: A Tale of Santa Claus, Hypergraphs and Matroids. SODA 2020, pp. 2748-2757.

Yair Bartal, Nova Fandina, and Seeun William Umboh: Online Probabilistic Metric Embedding: A General Framework for Bypassing Inherent Bounds. SODA 2020, pp. 1538-1557.

Yossi Azar, Amit Jacob Fanani: Deterministic Min-Cost Matching with Delays. WAOA 2018: 21-35.

Itai Ashlagi, Yossi Azar, Moses Charikar, Ashish Chiplunkar, Ofir Geri, Haim Kaplan, Rahul M. Makhijani, Yuyi Wang, Roger Wattenhofer: Min-Cost Bipartite Perfect Matching with Delays. APPROX-RANDOM 2017:

Vincent Cohen-Addad, Marcin Pilipczuk, Michał Pilipczuk: A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Facility Location on Planar Graphs. FOCS 2019. Also

Eli Fox-Epstein, Philip N. Klein, Aaron Schild: Embedding planar graphs into low-treewidth graphs with applications to efficient approximation schemes for metric problems. SODA 2019.

Samozřejmě, jako vždy, jsou vítany jsou i další náměty, zejména pak prezentace vlastních výsledků účastníků semináře.

Další články, o kterých jsme uvažovali, zbylé z minulého semestru atd.
[Additional proposed papers, leftovers from the last semester]

Robert Krauthgamer, James R. Lee, Havana Rika: Flow-Cut Gaps and Face Covers in Planar Graphs. SODA 2019. Also

Fabrizio Grandoni, Bundit Laekhanukit, Shi Li: O(log^2 k / loglog k) -Approximation Algorithm for Directed Steiner Tree: A Tight Quasi-Polynomial-Time Algorithm. STOC 2019. Also

Chandra Chekuri, Kent Quanrud and Chao Xu: LP Relaxation and Tree Packings for Minimum k-Cut. SOSA 2019.

Deeparnab Chakrabarty and Chaitanya Swamy: Simpler and Better Algorithms for Minimum-Norm Load Balancing. ESA 2019. Also

Anupam Gupta, Euiwoong Lee, Jason Li: The Number of Minimum k-Cuts: Improving the Karger-Stein Bound. STOC 2019. Also

Nikhil Bansal: On a generalization of iterated and randomized rounding. STOC 2019. Also

Dániel Marx, Marcin Pilipczuk, Michał Pilipczuk: On subexponential parameterized algorithms for Steiner Tree and Directed Subset TSP on planar graphs.

Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak, Jesper Nederlof, Erik Jan van Leeuwen: Nearly ETH-Tight Algorithms for Planar Steiner Tree with Terminals on Few Faces.

Julia Chuzhoy, Sanjeev Khanna: Polynomial flow-cut gaps and hardness of directed cut problems. J. ACM 56(2), Article No. 6, 2009.

C.J. Argue, Sébastien Bubeck, Michael B. Cohen, Anupam Gupta, Yin Tat Lee: A Nearly-Linear Bound for Chasing Nested Convex Bodies. SODA 2019. Also

Rico Zenklusen: A 1.5-Approximation for Path TSP. SODA 2019. Also

Andreas Wiese: A (1+eps)-approximation for Unsplittable Flow on a Path in fixed-parameter running time. ICALP 2017.

Hans-Joachim Bockenhauer, Juraj Hromkovic, Joachim Kneis, Joachim Kupke: The Parameterized Approximability of TSP with Deadlines. Theory of Computing Systems 41:431–444, 2007.

Sanjeev Arora: Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Euclidean Traveling Salesman and Other Geometric ProblemsJACM 45:753–782, 1998.

Parinya Chalermsook, Marek Cygan, Guy Kortsarz, Bundit Laekhanukit, Pasin Manurangsi, Danupon Nanongkai, Luca Trevisan: From Gap-ETH to FPT-Inapproximability: Clique, Dominating Set, and More.

Anupam Gupta, Euiwoong Lee, Jason Li: An FPT Algorithm Beating 2-Approximation for k-Cut.

Parinya Chalermsook, Marek Cygan, Guy Kortsarz, Bundit Laekhanukit, Pasin Manurangsi, Danupon Nanongkai, Luca Trevisan: From Gap-ETH to FPT-Inapproximability: Clique, Dominating Set, and More. FOCS 2017. Also

Michael Lampis: Parameterized Approximation Schemes using Graph Widths. ICALP 2014. Also

Alice Paul, Daniel Freund, Aaron Ferber, David Shmoys and David Williamson: Prize-Collecting TSP with a Budget Constraint. ESA 2017.

Klaus Jansen and Lars Rohwedder: On the Configuration-LP of the Restricted Assignment Problem. SODA 2017: 2670-2678, also

Alantha Newman, Heiko Röglin, and Johanna Seif: The Alternating Stock Size Problem and the Gasoline Puzzle. ESA 2016. Also

János Balogh, József Békési, György Dósa, Leah Epstein, Asaf Levin: Online bin packing with cardinality constraints resolved. At

Harald Räcke: Optimal hierarchical decompositions for congestion minimization in networks. STOC 2008:255-264. Also here.

Jittat Fakcheroenphol, Kunal Talwar and Satish Rao: A tight bound on approximating arbitrary metrics by tree metrics. STOC 2003, J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 69(3): 485-497 (2004).

Předchozí program semináře [Past program]