21. 12. 2010, 11. 1. 2011 (úterý [Tuesday], 12:20,
Strana, S7)
Jiří Sgall: Bounded space bin packing.
(joint work with Marek Chrobak and Gerhard Woeginger)
14. 12. 2010, 4. 1. 2011 (úterý [Tuesday], 12:20,
Strana, S7)
Nikhil Bansal and Kirk Pruhs: The Geometry of
Scheduling. FOCS 2010.
(referuje Tomáš Ebenlendr)
Abstract: We consider the following general scheduling problem: The input consists of n jobs, each with an arbitrary release time, size, and a monotone function specifying the cost incurred when the job is completed at a particular time. The objective is to find a preemptive schedule of minimum aggregate cost. This problem formulation is general enough to include many natural scheduling objectives, such as weighted flow, weighted tardiness, and sum of flow squared. Our main result is a randomized polynomial-time algorithm with an approximation ratio O(log log nP), where P is the maximum job size. We also give an O(1) approximation in the special case when all jobs have identical release times. The main idea is to reduce this scheduling problem to a particular geometric set-cover problem which is then solved using the local ratio technique and Varadarajan's quasi-uniform sampling technique. This general algorithmic approach improves the best known approximation ratios by at least an exponential factor (and much more in some cases) for essentially all of the nontrivial common special cases of this problem. Our geometric interpretation of scheduling may be of independent interest.
30. 11., 7. 12. 2010 (úterý [Tuesday], 12:20,
Strana, S7)
Bjarni Halldorsson, Magnus M. Halldorsson, Elena Losievskaja and
Mario Szegedy: Streaming
algorithms for independent sets. ICALP 2010.
(referuje Michal Dzetkulič)
16. 11., 23. 11., 30. 11. 2010 (úterý [Tuesday], 12:20,
Strana, S7)
M. Hajiaghayi, R. Khandekar, G. Kortsarz, and J. Mestre: The
checkpoint problem. APPROX 2010.
(referuje Dušan Knop)
Abstract. In this paper we consider the sum checkpoint (SCP) and the maximum checkpoint (MCP) problem. These problem have several natural applications, e.g., in urban transportation and network security. In a sense, they combine the multicut problem and the minimum membership set cover problem. For the sum objective we show that weighted SCP is equivalent, with respect to approximability, to undirected multicut. Thus there exists an O(log n) approximation for SCP in general graphs. Our current approximability results for the max objective have a wide gap: we provide an approximation factor of O(sqrt(n log n/opt)) for MCP and a hardness of 2 under the assumption P!=NP. The hardness holds for trees, in which case we can obtain an asymptotic approximation factor of 2. Finally we show strong hardness for the well-known problem of finding a path with minimum forbidden pairs, which in a sense can be considered the dual to the checkpoint problem. Despite various works on this problem, hardness of approximation was not known prior to this work. We show that the problem cannot be approximated within c n for some constant c > 0, unless P = NP. This is the strongest type of hardness possible. It carries over to directed acyclic graphs and is a huge improvement over the plain NP-hardness of Gabow (SIAM J. Comp 2007, pages 1648–1671).
9. 11., 16. 11. 2010 (úterý [Tuesday], 12:20,
Strana, S7)
26. 10., 2. 11. 2010 (úterý [Tuesday], 12:20,
Strana, S7)
Klaus Jansen: Approximate
with Application in Fractional Graph Coloring and
Preemptive Scheduling. STACS 2002.
(referuje Marek Krčál)
Abstract: In this paper we show that approximation algorithms for the weighted independent set and s-dimensional knapsack problem with ratio α can be turned into approximation algorithms with the same ratio for fractional weighted graph coloring and preemptive resource constrained scheduling. In order to obtain these results, we generalize known results by Grötschel, Lovasz and Schrijver on separation, non-emptiness test, optimization and violation in the direction of approximability.
12. 10., 19. 10. 2010 (úterý [Tuesday], 12:20, MFF UK Malá Strana, S7)Petr Kolman: Towards Duality of Multicommodity Multiroute Cuts
and Flows: Multilevel Ball-Growing
(joint work with Christian Scheideler)