5. 1. 2015 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana S8)
Martin Koutecký: Extended Formulation for Binary CSP that is
Compact for Instances of Bounded Treewidth
15. 12. 2014 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana S8)
Anna R. Karlin, Claire Kenyon, Dana Randall: Dynamic
TCP Acknowledgment and Other Stories about e/(e-1).
Algorithmica 36(3): 209-224 (2003)
(referuje Lukáš Folwarczný)
Abstract: We present the first optimal randomized online
algorithms for the TCP acknowledgment problem [5] and the Bahncard
problem [7]. These problems are well-known to be generalizations
of the classical online ski rental problem, however, they appeared
to be harder. In this paper, we demonstrate that a number of
online algorithms which have optimal competitive ratios of
1. 12., 8. 12. 2014 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana S8)
Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Dror Rawitz: On the Equivalence
Between the Primal-Dual Schema and the Local Ratio Technique.
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 19(3), 762–797.
(referuje Pavel Veselý)
24. 11. 2014 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana
Dor Arad, Yael Mordechai, Hadas Shachnai: Tighter Bounds for
Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Machines. http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.2530.
(referuje Martin Böhm)
Abstract: We consider the problem of scheduling n jobs to minimize the
makespan on m unrelated machines, where job j
requires time
10. 11. 2014 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana S8)
Martin Skutella: A note on the ring loading problem. SODA
2015. Also http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.0789.
(referuje Karel Král)
Abstract: The Ring Loading Problem is an optimal routing problem arising in the planning of optical communication networks which use bidirectional SONET rings. In mathematical terms, it is an unsplittable multicommodity flow problem on undirected ring networks. We prove that any split routing solution to the Ring Loading Problem can be turned into an unsplittable solution while increasing the load on any edge of the ring by no more than +(19/14)D, where D is the maximum demand value. This improves upon a classical result of Schrijver, Seymour, and Winkler (1998) who obtained a slightly larger bound of +(3/2)D. We also present an improved lower bound of +1.1 D (previously +1.01 D) on the best possible bound and disprove a famous long-standing conjecture of Schrijver et al. in this context.
3. 11. 2014 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana S8)
Achlioptas, D., Chrobak, M., Noga, J.: Competitive analysis of randomized paging algorithms. Theoretical Computer Science 234, 203–218 (2000)(referuje Lukáš Folwarczný)
Abstract: In this paper we use competitive analysis to study the performance of randomized on-line paging algorithms. Our goal is to show how the concept of work functions, used previously mostly for the analysis of deterministic algorithms, can also be applied, in a systematic fashion, to the randomized case. We provide a new, H_k-competitive algorithm for paging. Our algorithm, as well as its analysis, is simpler than the known algorithm by McGeoch and Sleator. Another advantage of our algorithm is that it can be implemented with complexity bounds independent of the number of past requests: O(k^2 log k) memory and O(k^2) time per request.
20. 10. 2014 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana S8)
Dušan Knop: Parameterized hardness for length-bounded cuts.
Abstract: I would like to present a parametrized result about length bounded cuts, namely that finding an optimal length bounded cut is W[1]-hard when parameterized by path-width only. I will aslo talk a little bit about some lower bound consequences (assuming ETH). I may also sketch some of our algorithmic results. For example an O(n^k) time algorithm where k is the tree-width and O(f(k) n) time algorithm where k is the size of vertex-cover of the input graph.
13. 10. 2014 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana S8)
Martin Koutecký: The length bounded cut polytope for
series-parallel graphs.
(joint work with Petr Kolman)
Abstract: Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ with two distinguished
vertices $s,t\in V$ and an integer parameter $L$, an {\em
$L$-bounded cut} is a subset $F$ of edges such that the every path
between $s$ and $t$ in $(V,E\set minus F)$ has length at least
$L$. The minimum $L$-bounded cut problem is to find an $L$-bounded
cut of minimum cardinality.
The problem was first studied around 1970 but still, the problem
is not much understood. It is known that the problem is NP-hard
and that even finding a 1.1377 approximation is NP-hard. On the
other hand, the best known approximation algorithm has
approximation ratio, in terms of $n$, only $\Theta(n^{2/3})$. For
series-parallel graphs the problem is solvable in polynomial time
but the only linear programming relaxation that we are aware of
has integrality gap $\Theta(\sqrt{n})$.
We propose and examine a new LP-relaxation (of polynomial size) of
the $L$-bounded cut problem and show that all vertices of the
associated polytope are integral if the input graph is a
series-parallel graph.
6. 10. 2014 (pondělí [Monday], 10:40, MFF UK Malá Strana S8)
Jiří Sgall: Online Competitive Algorithms for Multi-Level
Aggregation with Deadlines.
(joint work with Marek Chrobak, Lukáš Folwarczny, and Pavel
Abstract: In the Multi-Level Aggregation Problem (MLAPD), requests arrive at the leaves of a weighted tree T each with its own deadline. A service is defined as an arbitrary subtree X of T. This subtree X services all requests that are pending in the nodes of X at the cost equal to the total weight of X. The objective is to minimize the cost of all service sub-trees while keeping all the deadlines. We study online algorithms for MLAPD. For trees of height H we give an online algorithm with competitive ratio 2^O(H).