Seminář z aproximačních a online algoritmů
Petr Kolman, Jiří Sgall
Předchozí program semináře, zimní semestr 2009 [Previous
program, Fall 2009]
5. 1., 12. 1. 2010 (úterý [Tuesday], 9:00,
Strana, S9)
Siddharth Barman,
Shuchi Chawla:
multiway cuts in capacitated graphs.
SODA 2009.
(referuje Tomáš Ebenlendr)
Abstract: We consider the following "multiway cut packing"
problem in undirected graphs: given a graph G = (V, E)
and k
commodities, each corresponding to a set of terminals located at
different vertices in the graph, our goal is to produce a collection of
cuts {E1, ..., Ek} such that Ei
is a multiway cut for commodity i
and the maximum load on any edge is minimized. The load on an edge is
defined to be the number of cuts in the solution containing the edge.
In the capacitated version of the problem the goal is to minimize the
maximum relative load on any edge---the ratio of the edge's
load to its capacity. Multiway cut packing arises in the context of
graph labeling problems where we are given a partial labeling of a set
of items and a neighborhood structure over them, and the goal,
informally stated, is to complete the labeling in the most consistent
way. This problem was introduced by Rabani, Schulman, and Swamy
(SODA'08), who developed an O(log n/log log n)
approximation for it in general graphs, as well as an improved O(log2
k) approximation in trees. Here n
is the number of nodes in the graph. We present the first constant
factor approximation for this problem in arbitrary undirected graphs.
Our LP-rounding-based algorithm guarantees a maximum edge load of at
most 8OPT + 4 in general graphs. Our approach is based on the
observation that every instance of the problem admits a laminar
solution (that is, no pair of cuts in the solution crosses) that is
15. 12. 2009 (úterý [Tuesday], 9:00,
Strana, chodba KAM 2. patro)
Łukasz Jeż: Randomized Packet Scheduling in Adaptive Adversary
(joint work with M. Bienkowski and M. Chrobak)
Abstract: In packet scheduling problem, packets with weights
deadlines arrive at a network switch over time, and the goal is to send
those packets on the outgoing link while maximizing the total weight of
the packets that are sent before their deadlines. Network traffic
obviously depends on the packet scheduling algorithm, but this
phenomenon is not captured in the typically assumed oblivious adversary
model. Another phenomenon that seemingly makes the analysis of
algorithms in this model difficult is the random nature of the
adversary's schedule. Because of that it is unclear whether it can be
assumed that the adversary's schedule is in earliest deadline first
order, and such assumption lies at the core of most upper bounds in the
oblivious adversary model.
Despite that we show that the RMix algorithm by Chin et al. remains
e/(e-1)-competitive, though its original analysis does not apply
directly to adaptive adversary model. On the other hand we improve the
5/4 lower bound (derived against oblivious adversary) to 4/3, and prove
that this is tight on 2-bounded instances. The lower bound construction
can be modified to give 6/5 and 4/3 lower bounds for both unrestricted
and memoryless scale-invariant algorithms on more restricted 2-uniform
8. 12. 2009 (úterý [Tuesday], 9:00,
Strana, S9)
Moses Charikar, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Howard J. Karloff:
Approximation Algorithms for Label Cover Problems. ESA 2009.
(referuje Jiří Sgall)
Abstract: In this paper we consider both the maximization
variant MaxRep and the minimization variant MinRep of the famous Label
Cover problem, for which, till now, the best approximation ratios known
were O(\sqrt{n}). In fact, several recent papers reduced Label Cover to
other problems, arguing that if better approximation algorithms for
their problems existed, then a o(\sqrt{n})-approximation algorithm for
Label Cover would exist. We show, in fact, that there are a
O(n^{1/3})-approximation algorithm for MaxRep and a O(n^{1/3}
log^{2/3}n)-approximation algorithm for MinRep. In addition, we also
exhibit a randomized reduction from Densest k-Subgraph to Max Rep,
showing that any approximation factor for MaxRep implies the same
factor (up to a constant) for Densest k-Subgraph.
24. 11., 1. 12. 2009 (úterý [Tuesday], 9:00,
Strana, chodba KAM 3. patro)
Peerapong Dhangwatnotai,
Shahar Dobzinski,
Shaddin Dughmi,
Tim Roughgarden:
Approximation Schemes for Single-Parameter Agents.
FOCS 2008.
(referuje Ondřej Zajíček)
Abstract: We present the first monotone randomized
polynomial-time approximation
scheme (PTAS) for minimizing the makespan of parallel related machines
(Q||Cmax), the paradigmatic problem in single-parameter
algorithmic mechanism design. This result immediately gives a
polynomial-time, truthful (in expectation) mechanism whose
approximation guarantee attains the best-possible one for all
polynomial-time algorithms (assuming P not equal to NP). Our
algorithmic techniques are flexible and also yield, among other
results, a monotone deterministic quasi-PTAS for Q||Cmax and
a monotone randomized PTAS for max-min scheduling on related machines.
3. 11., 10. 11. 2009 (úterý [Tuesday], 9:00,
Strana, S9)
Marcin Bienkowski, Marek Chrobak, Christoph Dürr, Mathilde
Hurand, Artur Jeż, Łukasz Jeż, and Grzegorz Stachowiak:
Weighted Items from a Dynamic Queue. SODA 2009.
(referuje Milan Straka)
Abstract: We consider the problem of collecting weighted items
from a dynamic queue S. Before each step, some items at the front of S
can be deleted and some other items can be added to S at any place. An
item, once deleted, cannot be re-inserted, in other words, it
"expires". We are allowed to collect one item from S per step. Each
item can be collected only once. The objective is to maximize the total
weight of the collected items. We study the online version of the
dynamic queue problem. It is quite easy to see that the greedy
algorithm that always collects the maximum-value item is 2-competitive,
and that no deterministic online algorithm can be better than
1:618-competitive. We improve both bounds: We give a 1:89-competitive
algorithm for general dynamic queues and we show a lower bound of 1:632
on the competitive ratio. We also provide other upper and lower bounds
for restricted versions of this problem. The dynamic queue problem is a
generalization of the well-studied buffer management problem, and it is
an abstraction of the buffer management problem for network links with
intermittent access.
20. 10., 27. 10. 2009 (úterý [Tuesday], 9:00,
Strana, chodba KAM 3. patro
Goel, Michael Kapralov, and Sanjeev Khanna:
Matchings via Uniform Sampling in Regular Bipartite Graphs.
(referuje Dušan Knop)
Abstract: In this paper we further investigate the
well-studied problem of finding a perfect matching in a regular
bipartite graph. The first non-trivial algorithm, with running time
O(mn), dates back to König’s work in 1916. The currently most efficient
algorithm takes time O(m), and is due to Cole, Ost, and Schirra. We
improve this running time to O(min{m, n^2.5 ln(n)/ d }); this minimum
can never be larger than O(n^1.75\sqrt{ln n}). We obtain this
improvement by proving a uniform sampling theorem: if we sample each
edge in a d-regular bipartite graph independently with a probability p
= O( n ln n / d^2 ) then the resulting graph has a perfect matching
with high probability. The proof involves a decomposition of the graph
into pieces which are guaranteed to have many perfect matchings but do
not have any small cuts. We then establish a correspondence between
potential witnesses to non-existence of a matching (after sampling) in
any piece and cuts of comparable size in that same piece. Karger’s
sampling theorem for preserving cuts in a graph can now be adapted to
prove our uniform sampling theorem for preserving perfect matchings.
Using the O(m\sqrt{n}) algorithm (due to Hopcroft and Karp) for finding
maximum matchings in bipartite graphs on the sampled graph then yields
the stated running time. We also provide an infinite family of
instances to show that our uniform sampling result is tight up to
poly-logarithmic factors (in fact, up to ln^2 n).
6. 10., 13. 10. 2009 (úterý [Tuesday], 9:00, MFF UK Malá
Strana, chodba KAM 3. patro)
Petr Kolman: Fair edge deletion problems on tree decomposable
(joint work with B. Lidický and J.-S. Sereni)
Abstract: One of the main subjects of this lecture are fair
edge deletion problems.
In edge deletion problems, we are given a graph $G$ and a graph
property $\pi$ and the task is to find a subset of edges the deletion
of which results in a subgraph of $G$ satisfying the property
$\pi$. Typically the objective is to minimize the total number of
deleted edges while in less common fair versions the objective is to
minimize the maximum number of edges removed from a single vertex. Both
classes of edge deletion problems contain many NP-hard problems (e.g.,
max-cut for the classical version, $(\ell,k)$-coloring or matching cut
problems, for the fair version).
It is well known that many NP-hard problems become tractable when
restricted to a certain class of graphs. The Monadic Second-Order
Logic (MSOL) provides a rather general framework for dealing with
NP-hard problems on graphs of bounded treewidth and other classes of
tree-decomposable graphs. It has been shown not only that every
problem expressible in MSOL can be solved in linear time but also that
problems from several extension of MSOL are solvable in polynomial
time, on tree-decomposable graphs. However, the fair edge deletion
problems do not fit into these general frameworks.
We extend the previous work by Borie, Parker and Tovey, 1995, and
describe a framework that provides a way to deal, in polynomial time on
tree-decomposable graphs, with many of the fair edge deletion problems.
In particular, we prove that if $\pi$ is a graph property expressible
in MSOL, then the problem to find a set $F$ of edges such that
the maximum degree in $(V,F)$ is as small as possible and the graph
$(V,E\setminus F)$ satisfies $\pi$ is solvable in polynomial time.
We also describe a $\Theta(\sqrt{n})$ approximation algorithms for some
of the fair edge deletion problems ($s$-$t$ cut and odd cycle
transversal) for general graphs.