I'm interested in the intersection of model theory and combinatorics. Some topics include tame hereditary classes, structural graph theory, $\omega$-categoricity, homogeneity, structural Ramsey theory, and extremal combinatorics.
My publications can be viewed chronologically on Google Scholar, so below I have indulged that irrepressible human instinct for classification. (I can only aspire to this.) Monadic dividing lines and hereditary classes (Tame ones)
- (with Michael C. Laskowski) Counting siblings in universal theories. Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2022) no. 3 arXiv link
- (with Michael C. Laskowski) Mutual algebraicity and cellularity. Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (2022) arXiv link
- (with Michael C. Laskowski) Theories with few non-algebraic types over models, and their decompositions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150 (2022) no. 9, arXiv link
- (with Michael C. Laskowski) Worst-case expansions of complete theories. Model Theory 1 (2022) no. 1 Journal link
- Monadic stability and growth rates of $\omega$-categorical structures. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 124 (2022), no. 3 arXiv link
- (with Michael C. Laskowski) Characterizations of monadic NIP. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B. 8 (2021), Journal link, Corrigenda link
- (with Michael C. Laskowski) Existential characterizations of monadic NIP. (submitted) arXiv link
- (with Michael C. Laskowski) Indiscernibles in monadically NIP theories. (submitted) arXiv link
- (with Anuj Dawar, Ioannis Eleftheriadis, and Aris Papadopoulos) Monadic NIP in monotone classes of relational structures. ICALP 2023 arXiv link
- (with Jaroslav Nešetřil, Patrice Ossona de Mendez, and Sebastian Siebertz) On the first-order transduction quasiorder of hereditary classes of graphs. (submitted) arXiv link
- (with Jaroslav Nešetřil, Patrice Ossona de Mendez, and Sebastian Siebertz) Decomposition horizons and a characterization of stable hereditary classes of graphs. (submitted) arXiv link
- Classification (Those drawn with a very fine camel-hair brush)
- The lattice of definable equivalence relations in homogeneous $n$-dimensional permutation structures. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 23 (2016), no. 4, Paper 44 Journal link
- Homogeneous 3-dimensional permutation structures. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25 (2018), no. 2, Paper 52 Journal link
- (with Pierre Simon) The classification of homogeneous finite-dimensional permutation structures. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27 (2020), no. 1, Paper 38 Journal link
- $\Lambda$-ultrametric spaces and lattices of equivalence relations. Algebra Universalis. 80 (2019), no.3 arXiv link
- Ramsey theory and other combinatorics (Those included in this classification)
- Ramsey expansions of $\Lambda$-ultrametric spaces. (To appear in European Journal of Combinatorics) arXiv link
- (with David Chodounský, Noé de Rancourt, Jan Hubička, Jamal Kawach, and Matěj Konečný) Big Ramsey degrees and infinite languages. Advances in Combinatorics. August (2024) Journal link
- (with Andrés Aranda, David Chodounský, Jan Hubička, Matěj Konečný, Jaroslav Nešetřil, and Andy Zucker) Type-respecting amalgamation and big Ramsey degrees. arXiv link
- (with Colin Jahel and Paolo Marimon) When invariance implies exchangeability (and applications to invariant Keisler measures). (submitted) arXiv link
- (with Asma Ibrahim Almazaydeh and Dugald Macpherson) Omega-categorical limits of betweenness relations and $D$-sets. (submitted) arXiv link
- (with Sarosh Adenwalla, John Sylvester, and Viktor Zamaraev) Boolean combinations of graphs. arXiv link
- The undecidability of joint embedding and joint homomorphism for hereditary graph classes. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science. 21 (2019), no. 2 Journal link
- The undecidability of joint embedding for 3-dimensional permutation classes. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science. 22 (2021), no. 2 Journal link
- Decidability in geometric grid classes of permutations. (To appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society) arXiv link
- (with Matthew Kukla (undergraduate co-author)) Logical limit laws for layered permutations and related structures. Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications. 2 (2022), no. 4 Journal link
- (with Ertem Esiner, Adilet Kachkeev, Alptekin Küpçü, Öznur Özkasap) FlexDPDP: Flexlist-Based Optimized Dynamic Provable Data Possession. ACM Transactions on Storage 12(4) (2016) 23 ePrint link
Here are slides and videos for some talks I've given.
- The undecidability of the joint embedding property for finitely constrainted hereditary graph classes.
Slides - Homogeneous finite-dimensional permutation structures. Video
Slides - Cellularity and beyond.
Video Slides - Characterizations of monadic NIP.
Video Slides - Generalizing nowhere dense graph classes.
Slides - Counting substructures of highly symmetric structures.