Data Structures 1

LS 2024/2025
NTIN066 - 2/2 Zk/Z

Michal Koucký

Lecture time: Tue 9:00-10:30.
Lecture room: S3, Malá Strana.

The basic course about construction of efficient data structures, mandatory for Master's students. Search trees, hashing, structures for working with strings. Worst-case, average-case and amortized complexity of data structures. Self-adjusting data structures. Behavior of data structures on systems with memory hierarchy. The lecture builds on the lectures Algorithmization, Algorithms and Data Structures 1 and Algorithms and Data Structures 2 from the bachelor study.


Study materials


Tutorials are 90 minutes. Credits are given based on the homeworks, details will be provided by the tutorial teachers.

Tutorial dates:
Mon 12:20-13:50 S8 Jiří Fink
Fri 12:20-13:50 S7 Petr Chmel


To pass the course, you need to pass an exam and get a credit from the tutorials. The exam is oral and covers material that was covered during the lectures.