
On the Distributed Discrete Logarithm Problem with Preprocessing
On the Distributed Discrete Logarithm Problem with Preprocessing
Tortoise and Hares Consensus: The Meshcash Framework for Incentive-Compatible, Scalable Cryptocurrencies
On Search Complexity of Discrete Logarithm
On Average-Case Hardness in TFNP from One-Way Functions
Stronger Lower Bounds for Online ORAM
Finding a Nash equilibrium is no easier than breaking Fiat-Shamir
Must the Communication Graph of MPC Protocols be an Expander?
ARRIVAL: Next Stop in CLS
An Efficiency-Preserving Transformation from Honest-Verifier Statistical Zero-Knowledge to Statistical Zero-Knowledge
The Journey from NP to TFNP Hardness
Hardness of Continuous Local Search: Query Complexity and Cryptographic Lower Bounds
Rational Sumchecks
When Can Limited Randomness Be Used in Repeated Games?
On the Communication Complexity of Secure Function Evaluation with Long Output
Rational arguments: single round delegation with sublinear verification
Cryptographically blinded games: leveraging players' limitations for equilibria and profit
Limits on the Power of Cryptographic Cheap Talk