87. Mathematical Colloquium

Gregory F. Lawler

University of Chicago


Tuesday August 27, 2013, 14:00
room S5, 2nd floor
Malostranské nám. 25
118 00 Praha 1


Mathematical models for phase transition often exhibit "power-law" correlations at critical temperatures and give rise to random curves with fractal properties. I will introduce some of these curves, e.g., self-avoiding walk, loop-erased walk, percolation interfaces, and show how conformal invariance has been used to understand their scaling limit in two dimensions. I will also describe some recent work on the fractal properties of the limit object (the Schramm-Loewner evolution).

About the speaker

Gregory Lawler studoval na Princetonske universite. Pak absolvoval staze na prednich vedeckych institucich (napr. Duke University, Courant Institute) a byl profesorem na Cornell University a Duke University a od roku 2006 na University of Chicago, kde je od roku 2013 George Wells Beadle Distinguished Service Professor matematiky a statistiky.

Hlavnim oborem prof. Lawlera je pravdepodobnost, statistika a statisticka fyzika. Je autorem vice nez 100 vedeckych praci a 6 vedeckych monografii. Jeho spoluprace s O. Schrammem a W. Wernerem vedla k vyreseni Mandelbrotovy domnenky a udeleni Fieldsovy medaile v r. 2006 W. Wernerovi. Prof. Lawler je editorem prednich casopisu (napr. Journal AMS a Bulletin AMS) a prednesl radu vyznamnych kolokvii vcetne zvane prednasky na Mezinarodnim kongresu matematiku v roce 2002. Je clenem Narodni akademie USA a v roce 2006 mu byla udelena Polyova cena.

Jeho prazske kolokvium je venovano jadru jeho vedecke aktivity v poslednim obdobi. Tato prednaska je soucasti 2013 School of Mathematical Statistical Physics, kterou porada Centrum pro teoreticka studia a Institut teoreticke informatika University Karlovy. Prednaska je vsak urcena siroke matematicke, fyzikalni a informaticke verejnosti.