Introduction to Information Transmission and Processing: Tutorial

Welcome to the website to the tutorial class of Introduction to Information Transmission and Processing (lecturer Petr Gregor). We are scheduled on even Wednesdays on 10:40. Even Wednesdays means that the first tutorial is on 28th February and we shall meet every two weeks since then.

If you have a feeling that

write me an email ( before it's too late. We'll meet (in cyberspace if needed) and try to resolve it somehow.

How to obtain credit?

You will get credit for solving homework. There should be 12 exercises. You need 66 % of the points to obtain the credit.

Submit homework using the postal owl (link to our course). The enrollment token to our course is 804a65fb57ad.

I encourage discussing homework solutions among yourselves. However, make sure you create the submitted solution on your own.

Tutorial content

  1. : Communication complexity.
  2. : Linear codes.
  3. : Error-correcting codes: bounds.
  4. : Coding.
  5. : All about entropy.
  6. : I gave a brief introduction to probability theory that we will need in this course.
I also substituted on the second lecture. Here are the lecture's contents.