- Combinatorics and Graphs 1 (Winter 2023/24)
- Combinatorics and Graphs 2 (Summer 2023/24)
I am a PhD student at the Computer Science Institute of Charles University. Currently, I am working on the Cycle Double Cover Conjecture with Robert Šámal. I earned my Master's degree in Mathematics at Sharif University of Technology under the supervision of Ebadollah S. Mahmoodian and Javad B. Ebrahimi. My research interests include Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Combinatorial Optimization.
I am a football player (center back) for the Prague Raptors Football Club. I also enjoy playing volleyball, bowling, billiards, tennis, badminton, and other sports whenever possible. Apart from playing sports, I like doing programming and watching movies and TV series.
S 508, 5th floor, Malá Strana, Malostranské nám. 2/25, Prague, Czech Republic